After we were done I was informed by my 3 year old we need to have a party. I guess with the snowflakes and the garlands up it looks like party central. Unfortunately that isn't going to happen, today anyway.
Well, while I was taping together paper strips and cutting pieces of white paper for snowflakes, I was thinking to myself "self what would be a cool gift idea for a boy who is extra special?".
I thought instantly of my friend Alex. Alex is a very skilled and talented artist. He is owner of Pieces of Prehistory. Museum quality, actually better than, representations of fossils. They are VERY cool. He has worked reconstructing bones and fossils for some very prestigious institutions including the Tyrrell Museum in Alberta and the University of West Virginia. If you have a little Dinosaur Lover in you should really consider Pieces of Prehistory. And he has really cute cartoon dinosaur paintings not listed in his shop for your even smaller dino lovers.
Rhamphorhynchus Wall Plaque - Museum Art |